Thursday, June 22, 2006


If You Think You Are Beaten, You Are.
If You Think You Dare Not, You Don't.

If YOu Like To Win, But You Think You Can't,

It Is almost Certain You Won't.

If You Think You'll Lose, You're Lost
For Out Of The World We Find,
Sucess Begins With A Fellow's Will.
It's All In The State Of Mind.

If You Think You Are Outclassed, You Are.
You've Got To Think High To Rise.
You've Got To Be Sure Of Yourself
Before You Can Ever Win A Prize


Life's Battles Don't Always Go
To the Stronger Or Faster Man


But sonner Or Later The
Man Who Wins
Is The Man




Life Isn't Always Easy

Life Can Be Unfair At Times
When You Must Maintain Faith
And Never Let Go.
It Is Espically During The Difficuit Times
That You Must Live Your Life
To Its Fullest Potential.
Those Are The Times To Triumph
Over Circumstances
With Hope And Courage
Life Isn't Always easy,
But If You Keep Going And Persevere
To The Very Best Of Your Ability,
You Will Gain Strength To Manage
The New Challenges Ahead.
Each Goal That You Reach
Is Another Important Step Forward
Believe That There Are
Bright And Wonderful Days
Ahead For You And You will Find Them
-Mary A.Rothman

Thursday, June 08, 2006

How Much Time Before I Leave For Camp

Get your own countdown at

My Expectation for the June Holiday

Get your own countdown at
  • The Count Down above the number of days before the school reopens. Make full use of time during the June Holiday.
  • Use this holiday to catch up in your studies and to finish all the assignments that are to be done.
  • Use this school holiday to have some pleasure but not to much.
  • Enjoy the school holidays

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Holiday Work!!!

The School Holidays is going to be a busy period for me. Because I got lots of work to do for the holidays before I go for the camp. List of Holiday homework:
  1. 2 Chinese newspaper cutting,
  2. A Chinese composition,
  3. A Chinese journal Writing,
  4. A Mathematics WS,
  5. 3 Mathematics online assignments,
  6. A Mathematics Online Quiz,
  7. A individual work: Describing people or places after reading 2 friction book or more,
  8. A Group work on telling a story from an newspaper article. Subject: Crimes.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Top 10 Anti-Cancer Food

  • Top 10 Anti-Cancer Food Source: Consumerline by Ching M. Alano The Phil. Star, 10.04.2005 Cancer. The mere mention of the word makes us shrink in fear. It's like a death sentence. It's the leading cause of death in the United States, overtaking heart disease. But take heart, recent statistics show a decline in the incidence of both diseases. Now, that's heartening news! And the American Cancer Society reports that half of all these cancer deaths can be prevented by adopting a healthier lifestyle (assuming you already lead a healthy one). Now, that's doubly heartening news! Opting for a healthier (and heartier) lifestyle means you should stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, and eat more antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, according to a recent article published in Healthy Options lifestyle newsdigest.

  • For starters, let's get to know more about the top 10 anti-cancer foods. Take this list (and please take them often):

  1. Tomatoes. You probably know that tomatoes are oozing with lycopene, which helps ward off the free radicals associated with lung and digestive cancers as well as prostate, ovarian and lung cancers. Lycopene is also found in watermelon and pink grapefruit.
  2. Broccoli sprouts. For a veggie that's so small you can hold it with one hand, this one's got a fistful of antioxidant benefits that last for days. In the same family of cruciferous vegetables are broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage. Their sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol protect against prostate, bladder, colon, pancreatic, gastric, breast, and other hormone-related cancers. Indeed, it's the ultimate baby vegetable, baby!
  3. Berries. Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, cranberries, and grapes are all berry-rich in anthocyanins that help repair and protect DNA.
  4. Soybeans. They're soy-good for your health as they've got isoflavones (like genistein) that prevent and treat prostate cancer. Soybeans may also reduce breast cancer risk. Soy is truly beanificial to our health!
  5. Tea. Tea make that green and black is steeped in powerful compounds that, according to countless studies, may lower the risk of several types of cancer. Care for tea?
  6. Pumpkin. This Halloween symbol and Cinderella's chariot has magical powers indeed. But not too many know that this superfood is a super-rich source of beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, two carotenoids that work hard to fight lung and ovarian cancers. Also rich in carotenoids are carrots, yams, squash, melons, and sweet red peppers.
  7. Spinach. Aye, aye, Popeye was right. Spinach's a-okay. Its active antioxidant lutein may even help KO cancers of the liver, ovaries, colon, and prostate. Lutein is also found in kale and other leafy greens.
  8. Garlic. The allium family, to which garlic belongs, works to boost the body's antioxidant defense systems to protect against stomach, esophageal, and breast cancers. Meet the other members of the family: scallions and onions. Truly, in onion, there is strength.
  9. Pineapple. This pine cone-like fruit with its coveted sweet pulp contains an anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain that may inhibit the growth of malignant lung and breast cancer cells.
  10. Apple. Yes, there's a mouthful of wisdom in the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Studies show that quercetin a flavonoid abundant in apples prevents the growth of prostate cancer cells. The phytochemicals in the skin of an apple inhibits the reproduction of colon cancer cells. According to the National Cancer Institute, eating an apple a day may reduce the risk of lung cancer by as much as 50 percent. Excuse me while I bite into my apple
  • A cupful of warning
  • If you're an instant noodle lover, please read this quickly before you chow down your next bowlful or cupful: Make sure you break for at least three days after eating instant noodles before you eat your next packet because the wax coating the noodles takes at least two days for the body to clear. The wax prevents the noodles from sticking together. One story has it that one steward, after eating instant noodles almost every meal, had cancer and eventually died of it. Which is why some even refer to instant noodles as "cancer noodles."