Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Finally, the exams are over and that I can finally stop mugging, although some of you might say I am not mugging but slacking. Well, at least I can celebrate Chinese New Year happily instead of having to mug all day.
Somehow, I feel like I have two side of me which has two different feelings. The first side can't wait for the results to be announced but the second does not want to see the result. Probably I have not been doing quite well last year but I have told myself to start a New Year right.
Now, I am just happy that I passed my Chinese which I have failed to do so a lot of times last year and that is all I know for now. As for the rest of the subject, well, I will just have to depend on how much effort I have placed in it. Hopefully, I will be able to improve my results as I move on this year ahead.
Somehow, I feel like I have been acting a little stupid and dumb this few days not knowing what I was doing, what were happening in school. Lost a dictionary and a file because I never heard about the discarding of the lockers and had my books in it. Well, I placed my lock on the locker, and was told by the OM, that it was an indication that there are some things in the locker that has not been removed and therefore the locker shall not be removed. However, this did not happen for my locker, the lockers were removed even though I had my lock on it, which was a shock for me, the OM, and my family members. Well, the case carried on until today when it settled down for now since I have a new temporary locker and have made arrangements for a new Carpe Diem file which was in the locker that was cleared away. Though, all this was settled, the dictionary still could not been found even through searching high and low for it. This was not a good thing for that dictionary was not only mine but was also was expensive.
Second thing which still has not been resolved was about a guitar pick was cost $15, I know that sounds very expensive, yah, my family also felt the same way too. I felt a little cheated by the teacher for buying that pick from her. Hence, I will have to speak to the teacher personally and hopefully by god's grace, will be able to resolve the problem as soon as possible.