Friday, April 28, 2006


Hi guys, As you know that your test are coming. For some, it would be only a few days time, while for others, it might have started now. Well, don't get stressed up just because of all this upcoming but do not be too relax too. I know that some of you thinks that a exam is just a waste of time and is not important at all. However, if you look at it in a different angle, you would see that examinations are conducted to test your skills and how good you are good at it. It is also a test which allows you to see ehere your standards are. So, if you want to get a better results for your tests. it would be important that you set a target first ans strive for it. Then, if you did not meet to your expectations, try again till you get to your goals. However, if you know that your standard cannot reach that high standard, don't force yourself to get that high marks. You will only be deepressed with yourself or would start giving up on your targets. So, my advice for scoring a high mark for examinations is to set a reasonable target for yourself and to work on your targets or expectations. Lastly, I wish everyone all the best for your examinations!

Please go to this blog and vote in the poll.

Visitors, please go to the other blog, and click on "Me" tab at the top of the blog contents. Scroll down and you will see two polls. Please vote in them. This is for my statistics poster which I will be doing soon.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

"beauty is only skin deep" What are your views?

Personally, I feel that this phrase is very true. It does not mean that if someone is attractive, he or she is kind and caring. Similarly, it also does not mean that a person, who is ugly, must be a person who cheats money or fights. Although it is partially true that, some people whom dress neatly is someone who is a gentleman or someone who dress up untidily is a gangster. However, you cannot judge a book by its cover all the time. The person might look like he is a kind and caring person but he or she might have a bad intention. In addition, that person may look ugly but he or she helps other people with their problems. Hence, the most important thing if you are looking for someone to mix with is the person’s character and not the looks. Although this phrase have been proven to be true, but there are many people still believe that beauty is the most important to have when choosing a friend. Many men are still looking for girls who are beautiful, or what they would describe as “sexy” without bordering about their character and whether she suits him. This type of love might not last for long as a divorce or a break up might occur maybe because of different idea, interest or different important decisions they want to make. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right friend to mix with. Even though he may be ugly but he may have some strong points that might be your weaker points. So, please do not choose a friend just because he looks cool or smart but choose him because you are willing to help each other in times of problems.

Friday, April 21, 2006

How to Deal With Bullies

Bullies usually are disliked by other people especially people who are the victims of the bullies. However, bullies are not born to be a bully. There must be some reasons why they turn into bullies and how to deal with them or how to help them to change into a good person again.

Most bullies usually have problems like afraid of something but do not want to show it to others. They try to act as if they are braver than others, behaving like they are stronger than others and looking down on them either by teasing them disturb them or try to land them into deep trouble.

Teachers should try to talk to bullies and try to solve their problem and try to stop them before they continue to bully again. However, if the bully refuses listen. Then, the teacher will have to punish him.

Friends who were victims of the bully bullied should also forgive and try to help them to change instead of thinking about taking revenge. Revenge is not sweet, and it is important to know that revenge will only cause you into deeper trouble, even if you are very angry with someone, as revenge is a bad thing and you will be in the wrong too.

Bullies once bullied me too, which was when I first came to this school. I tried to ignore the bully’s words hoping they would stop. However, the bully did not seem to give up on me but, not only did they bully me more, they also did unbearable things like poking a pen through my bread, pushing me around and worst of all, tell bad things about me to everyone.

When I could not take it, I decided report to the discipline teacher and let her handle the case. Soon, after the investigation and the confessions, the discipline master caned the bullies. After that, they did not dare to bully me again.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Have you ever regreted doing something you should not have done?

Ever regretted doing something you should not have done so. Well, I suppose everybody does have this experience before. However, learn to forget about it and move on and think of new ways of solving the problem.

Well, like my friend whose Quest Atlantis account was disabled. He regretted being a witness to this case and cried over the fact that his account was frozen. Some people might have heard about Quest Atlantis. A computer game that must sign in to an account before you can play. This computer game exercise on your geography skill by letting you have different quest to do.

Why? Well, I can tell you what I only know. From what I have heard, he volunteered to be one of the witnesses in the hacking case of the Quest Atlantis account. Some of you might think this is stupid of him to do such a think as he could leave things alone and mind his own business. However, some others might think he is doing the right think as helping out to solve the hacking case and it is very cruel to disable someone's account just like that.

In my opinion, although he wanted to do the right thing, I think he should have think twice before standing up to be one of the witness and he should also look out for the consequences he would face. Therefore, if you say that he is stupid, I will partially agree with that.

For now, he borrows either my account or his friends account to do a quest as could not use his Quest Atlantis account. Although, he account was disable, he still seem to be happy all the time, maybe because he has forgotten about his account being disabled and could also be used to borrowing other people’s account.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Blog Still Under Constrution

Hi guys!! I hope like my blog. For now, it is currently not really ready as I have not add in any songs or pictures yet. I will also try to put in a counter or a tag if I can resolve some system error in the website. Well, Just be a little more patience while I try to finish up my blog. In the mean time, there are some other blogs in the link that you can go to first.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to my blog. I apologize for not making my blog nicer if you find it quite bad because this is my first time. However, I am still quite happy that I can finally gain this confidence to build this blog. I hope you will like this blog!